There are a great many more things I need to over- come, but I think if one can accept her husband for what he is, half the battle is won. I will say that my husband
even though he is a TV, is a wonderful husband and an even more wonderful Father. I feel that he loves me
and I know he loves his sons dearly.
One advantage to his being a TV is the fact that he feels things very deeply and, I think, is more understanding of me, being a girl himself at times.
Of course we both kept this fact from our children and will always do so, to protect them, but there will come a day when, as all children do, they will be grown and will leave us. No matter how much this will break our hearts, it is to be, as it was with us. When this day comes I pray that I have even more understanding of my husband and then maybe we can even travel as girl friends once in a while. This I know would please him ever so much.
You see, because of the children I have not yet been able to accept this part, but let me say now to all wives: please try to understand your husbands and accept the fact that they are TV. Your lives together can be such fun if you do.
As I said before, I still need a lot of understanding but I am hoping that I will acquire more and more as time goes by. At least I am now willing to try. Our lives together in the past have by no means been perfect but I believe that trying to work out things together will be very rewarding.
I'll end this story now by saying; wives give your husbands the love and understanding they need, but you TV husbands don"t forget that your wives also need your love and understanding to be able to accept you for what you are. Be as patient with them as you want them to be with you.
Carol's Wife